Milk and Cookies with Santa | The Herrick Family | Bay Village

Merry Christmas Herrick Family!  

I had the most amazing time visiting and photographing you in your beautiful home! When I say everything was perfect, I mean everything was absolutely perfect. Christmas is my favorite time of the year and I try to bring magic to all of my amazing families, but you guys brought the magic to me! I left feeling more in the Christmas spirit than ever before. I feel so blessed and honored to have spent that time with you.

Kennedy and Lillian were absolutely a dream to photograph. They were complete princesses in their white whimsical dresses and so poised in front of the camera. They are beautiful girls and their precious little personalities are even more gorgeous. I love them so much.

Your home is breathtakingly gorgeous! I hate that shipping delays means you don’t have a dining room table yet, but the dining room did make the perfect set for the Christmas tree. Both the natural light of the day and the reflections from the mirror in the dark were perfection.

I can never pick a favorite picture and this time is no different. I love the family shots of you all nestled together in your gorgeous home. I also love the pictures of the girls twirling in front of the Christmas tree. The pictures of T-Rex crashing the shoot were so fun too! Mom and Dad, you are an amazing couple and I loved sneaking in some pictures of just the two of you too! Finally, the awe of Lillian and Kennedy looking at Mr. and Mrs. Claus was enough to turn even the Grinchiest adult into a true believer.

Thank you again for letting me (and Santa and Mrs. Claus) join you in your beautiful home. I know that the time spent with you has made this one of my best Christmases ever! I hope the photos always bring you back to the joy and magic of this holiday season. 

Milk and Cookies With Santa Photo Shoot-min
Milk and Cookies With Santa Photo Shoot-min
Magical Christmas Tree Images
Magical Christmas Tree Images
Sister Photo Shoot Christmas-min
Sister Photo Shoot Christmas-min
Cleveland's Best Photographer-min
Cleveland’s Best Photographer-min



Owner, Brittany Gidley Photography