Introducing Chip | Akron Newborn Photographer

Welcome to the World, Chip!

It is starting to cool off in Cleveland and you must have known I needed a little ray of sunshine to warm me right up! Your family is one of my favorites and I have been excitedly awaiting your arrival and was so so happy to hear that you were here!  

I know it is hard to believe but I have been with your family since your big brother Jack was an itty bitty like you. I know you think of him as your strong protector, and he is, but he once had tiny toes and squishable cheeks and fit snuggly into Mommy and Daddy’s arms too. He loves you so much, baby Chip. I know you already know that because you are so peaceful and at ease when you’re with him. For such a little man, he made sure to love on you when he was holding you. I can already tell that you two are going to be the best of friends and have so many adventures together.

As for you, Chip. You are a dream. You slept so soundly and everything about you is perfect. We went with a soft neutral background for many pictures and we also did some photos on a rich caramel backdrop that was ideal for fall and ideal for showing off all your precious features. Your plump little lips and button nose are two of my favorites. We couldn’t forget to capture your teeny tiny toes and fingers or how subtly you’ve wrapped Mommy and Daddy around yours.  

Speaking of Mommy and Daddy, Mr. Shawn and I find them endlessly fascinating. They are selfless, amazing people that through their professions help people transition into and out of their earthly home. Both crafts take such skill, compassion, and understanding. It’s no surprise to me that your parents are some of the most patient and loving people I have ever met. You and Jack are some of the luckiest fellas I know. Mommy and Daddy are so lucky to have you too!  

Akron Ohio Newborn Photographer
Akron Ohio Newborn Photographer
Baby Boy | Akron Newborn Photographer
Baby Boy | Akron Newborn Photographer
Family with Newborn Baby Boy | Baby Boy | Akron Newborn Photographer
Family with Newborn Baby Boy | Baby Boy | Akron Newborn Photographer
Newborn Baby Photography
Newborn Baby Photography
Newborn Photography Studio
Newborn Photography Studio

Love, Brittany

Owner, Brittany Gidley Photography