Gates Mills Best Family Photographer | The Westover Family | Stan Hywet Hall and Gardens

Gates Mills Best Family Photographer

My Westies,

I wanted to take a moment to reminisce about our magical photo shoot at Stan Hywet Hall and Gardens. It was a day filled with laughter, sunshine, and so much love.

Charlotte, my little ballerina, you were an absolute vision that day. The way you twirled among the vibrant blooms, your dress swirling around you like a colorful dream, it was a sight to behold. You radiate pure joy, and capturing those moments of your innocence and wonder was an absolute delight.

And then there’s our amazing big brother, Everett. You, my dear, are the definition of a loving and protective sibling. The way you looked out for Charlotte, helping her navigate the garden paths and sharing your infectious laughter, it warmed my heart. Your bond is a true testament to the love that flows within a family.

Stan Hywet Hall and Garden was the perfect backdrop for our adventure that day- bonus for it not having any slimy fish right?! The vibrant blooms, the fragrant gardens, and the warm summer sun all came together to create a picturesque setting that highlighted the beauty of your childhood. It’s these moments that I treasure the most, capturing your innocence, your giggles, and your love for each other.

I couldn’t have asked for a better day to freeze in time. Our photo shoot at Stan Hywet will forever hold a special place in my heart. It’s a testament to the love and happiness that you bring into our lives every day.

My Westies, you are the light of my life, and I can’t wait to capture more precious moments as you both continue to grow. Thank you for making every day an adventure filled with love and laughter!

Summer at Stan Hywet Hall and Gardens Ohio
Summer at Stan Hywet Hall and Gardens Ohio
Family Photography Stan Hywet | Gates Mills Best Family Photographer
Family Photography Stan Hywet | Gates Mills Best Family Photographer
English Garden Stan Hywet Hall and Gardens Ohio
English Garden Stan Hywet Hall and Gardens Ohio
Summer at Stan Hywet Hall and Gardens Photo Shoot
Summer at Stan Hywet Hall and Gardens Photo Shoot
Photo Shoot Stan Hywet Hall and Gardens
Photo Shoot Stan Hywet Hall and Gardens



Owner, Brittany Gidley Photography